Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Day Without Laughter...

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie may have been quite the perv, but he had a point.  Laughing is important.  It releases endorphins, it is relaxing and it can change your whole outlook on life.  At least for a little while.  I suspect that part of people's resistance to really growing up is that they just assume it is supposed to be no fun.

Of course there are times when being a "Real Grown Up" is not roses and candy.  However that does not mean that we should cast aside everything we find interesting or amusing.  Laughter and joy are important parts of the human existence.  If we do not continue to experience these things then not only will be be bitter and old before our time, but how will the children learn to take joy in things?

So today, cut yourself some slack.  Watch some Three (4) Stooges, quote some Monty Python and don't be afraid to have a chuckle.  Just be aware that "Hey, watch this..." is not for the feint of heart, and it can lead to hospital bills...

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